Show some local love graphic in white and orange text with a dark grey background and the Shop Local Raleigh logo in the bottom right corner.

Sponsor a Local Business

Show Some Local Love and sponsor a small business to receive a Shop Local Raleigh membership!

Shop Local Raleigh is a not for profit, membership-based organization that supports locally owned and independent businesses in Wake County. Help keep our community unique by sponsoring a small business and supporting an independent non-profit. As a member of SLR local businesses receive benefits such as:

  • A listing in our online directory which helps boost their SEO and online presence
  • Access to discounted group health insurance plans
  • Mentions and features on the SLR social media pages
  • Access to the members only Facebook group
  • Free business seminars and networking events
  • Discounted vendor fees and priority acceptance at events

Your contribution also helps support Shop Local Raleigh so that we can continue to be a voice for the small business community through our advocacy work and community outreach.

As a donor you can –

  1. Chip in any dollar amount to contribute to a fund that will help offset or cover the cost of membership for a small business with limited funds
  2. Cover the full cost of membership for an eligible local non-profit ($50) or business ($100). Let us know what business you would like to sponsor in the comments or you can email

Thank you for your generosity and support of Shop Local Raleigh and the small business community that we serve!

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Donation Total: $100.00 One Time