Meet the Owner – Saving Grace Supply Company

Meet the Owner - Saving Grace Supply Company

Meet the owner of Saving Grace Supply Company

Meet the Owner of Saving Grace Supply Company, Molly Goldston. After owning and running Saving Grace Animals for Adoption for several years, Molly decided to open Saving Grace Supply Company, providing pet toys, treats, and all products pet-related for your furry friend or your home. This makes it possible for Saving Grace to continue helping adopters be most successful with their new pet as well as give back to the mission.

Saving Grace Supply Co.

Starting the Store 

Molly is a Raleigh local, growing up around where Saving Grace currently resides. She started working with animals, gaining experience with local shelters and animal welfare. She quickly realized the dire need for adoption, as North Carolina has the third highest euthanasia rate for dogs in the country. She started Saving Grace in 2004 as an adoption program for dogs to find their forever home, and she hasn’t looked back since. They have placed over 50,000 unwanted dogs into loving homes.

While Saving Grace Adoption has been able to help countless dogs and serve numerous families, Molly wanted to open a store where new pet owners to could get the supplies they need for their pets as well as some guidance on transitioning the new pet into their home. 


There are many people with new pets, who need assistance with finding the right supplies for their dog, especially within the local community. Many of the products that are supplied in the store also come from local vendors, further helping the local economy. Supporting locals has always been important to Molly. 

Her father was a local business owner, and she worked with local people often. She knows that if you support your local community, your community will support you back. Many of the volunteers and supporters of the shelter are local business owners. All cookies from the store are locally made, and all of the profits from the store go back to Saving Grace Animals for Adoption and providing for the shelter dogs. 

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Some of the dog cookies from the store!

Pushing Through

The store opened in 2019 right before the start of the pandemic, which posed many challenges including competing with big box stores, but Saving Grace was able to survive with the help of the community. 

This past year is when Molly and the team have started to emphasize the store to their adoptees and the local community. Social media, events, and the website are a few of the ways that they have been able to promote the store. Saving Grace Supply Co is also another resource for people who have adopted dogs from the shelter. Finding employees who had adoption experience was important to Molly because it made way for an easier transition and deeper understanding of the needs of pets and their owners. 

Molly shared that opening her businesses taught her that you have to have good people who help the customers. Having good employees creates a great environment for everyone to take care of each other, and the dogs. Her current team she described as being loving towards the animals, and good to each other. They are super mission-focused. 


When dogs leave the adoption center for their new homes, Molly and the adoption team often receive success stories. 

Since opening the store, Molly and the volunteers and staff have been able to see these dogs post-adoption and see how much they have improved physically and emotionally and how well they are doing as a family member.  

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Seeing a transformation in these dogs is a reminder of how life-changing adoption is for the dogs at Saving Grace.

Saving Grace Supply Co. continues to grow with the help and love of the community. Shopping local for your pet can make a difference to a person and a pet who might not have otherwise had the help they need. Shopping at Saving Grace helps them to give back to the pets who need a home and the local community.