Soooooo I’ve been a little, teeny weeny, kinda sorta, absent the past few weeks. I know you have been missing me. But, the drought is over, kids. I AM BACK.
The past few weeks have been CRAY. Like, cray cray. But it has all been gearing up to two of the coolest, bestest, most shamelessly plugged events yet! The WRAL Raleigh Christmas Parade and Shop Local Raleigh’s Where’s Walter Contest!!!!!!!!!! Oh, what? You want to hear more?! I knew it.
So the 69th Annual WRAL Raleigh Christmas Parade is THIS Saturday, November 23rd rocking your world one float at a time! We have some bands that make her dance, floats that make ya gloat, a balloon that will make you swoon, dogs on dogs (my rhyming game only lasts so long), AND SO MANY SUPER COOL ENTRIES! I am depressed that college-me did not acknowledge that waking up for parade day would have definitely paid off- but, won’t make that mistake this year! I will be front row baby, building, like, the greatest float your eyes have ever seen (psst, I expect whooping and applause to erupt from the crowd as my hard work struts down the street). Basically, this is the best parade yet, and you better be there! You know what else will be in the parade, Sir Walter Raleigh himself riding on a custom Shop Local Raleigh moped! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.

The finale party is at Lucky B’s off of Tucker Street from 6pm-8pm on December 11th where the winner of the moped will be announced along with some other awesome prizes! You hear that people?? These are like free gifts here! We all know how much free stuff tickles me. Check out more details here and be a part of the best contest ever!
Just to recap, BOOM-Christmas Parade, BOOM-Where’s Walter contest, BOOM-THE BEST TIME OF YOUR LIFE. Here’s some Walter inspiration for ya, just to get those brain cells pumping! Happy Hunting!