5 Steps to Effective Lead Generation

5 Steps to Effective Lead Generation


Getting leads is tough. Getting good leads, even tougher.


Still, that’s no reason to give up and start spamming random strangers, that guy from the gym, your mom and your office neighbors. Here are four ways to improve your lead generation techniques.


1. Verify your list. That list of potentials may have come cheap, but it still won’t be worth the money if every single email address on it turns out to be invalid. For example, our system uses lists that our triple verified to make sure the names are quality people who might actually want or use the products or services our clients offer.

2. Spend more time on the email, especially the subject line. A crappy list plus a crappy blast is going to get you results that are … crappy. According to one study, 69 percent of email recipients report email as spam based solely on the subject line. In addition, 35 percent of email recipients open email based on the subject line alone.


So with that in mind, craft the email for the audience you’re targeting. What are their needs and wants? How can you solve their problem? Be sure to include that information in the subject line. Keep it short and catchy.



3. Direct the traffic. Create a landing page for this campaign with a specific call to action so that you can get the most out of your push. Be sure the page offers information necessary to convert questions into sales. (A landing page also helps with No. 4.)

4. Track your results. If you don’t track the result, you don’t know if it worked.  Use a scoring system to determine specific information. For example:

·         Did the lead open the email?

·         If so, did he/she click on the link?

·         How long did he/she stay and what pages did he/she see?

·         Did he/she come back for a second or third visit?

5. Don’t forget to follow-up. Once you’ve found a few leads, be sure to follow-up, either by phone or email. Some systems have an automated way to follow-up with those who have clicked on the link, which is again, why tracking is so important.  



Questions about lead generation?  


Give us a shout on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or via email and we’ll answer them.