Make the most of your membership in 2021!

Where Business and Community Connect

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The start of 2021 sure does look a little different than the start of 2020, but we are determined to make sure the ending is better than ever.

We want to make sure you are making the most of your membership this year- with our networking (virtual) events to business workshops, to our big events like Brewgaloo & the Raleigh Christmas Parade, we are here for you and your business.

Let us know how we can help you succeed in 2021!

Things you can do now to get and stay involved:

  1. Update your profile listing with fresh photos and information.
  2. Add your events to our events calendar for promotion on our web page and social media.
  3. Join our members only Facebook group.
  4. If you haven’t renewed your membership, please consider doing so if you can!
  5. Know that you are not alone. Shop Local Raleigh is about strength in numbers and supporting our locally owned and independent business community! Together, we are stronger!

-Your Shop Local Raleigh Team

Login to your SLR Account

Add an Event to the website calendar

Join SLR Member private FB Group

Check out Member 2 Member Offers

TIP: Search yourself in the SLR online directory for an easy way to check your listing and membership status without logging in. If you see something that needs updating, let us know! If you are having trouble finding yourself, it is time to renew!

Upcoming Member Events

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Tech Tuesdays, our free workshop series, returns January 19 with a new time for 2021– 10am-11am.

Tech Tuesdays meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month.

The topics vary from social media, to email marketing, to tax changes/small business updates, to whatever you need to know to help you succeed. 

unnamed 13 1Join us for virtual 4th Friday Connections on January 22 from 10-11am.

Free networking event for members. Meet and greet other SLR members, have a cup of coffee from the comfort of your favorite spot and catch up on the latest Shop Local Raleigh news and events and have a chance to share more about you virtually!

Add 4th Friday to your calendar!

Have a topic you want to learn more about? Email us with your requests and we will look to add it to the calendar!

Register for the January seminar- EMAIL MARKETING

View More Upcoming Events

Sponsorships Now Available!!!

Contact us to become a partner!

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Put your brand in front of fellow businesses around Wake County!

The event will be held virtually for 2021 and sponsorships will available! More details to come.

unnamed 20 1With a proven history of success, Brewgaloo is back for its 10th year! With thousands of views on the web page and social media we are working hard to make our 10th anniversay memorable. How will you #Brewgaloo in 2021?

Get Involved!

Become a volunteer with Shop Local Raleigh. Consider volunteering at some of our fun events like: Brewgaloo, Annual Member Meeting, the Raleigh Christmas Parade and more! Email us to be added to our volunteer newsletters to stay in touch with the many opportunities we have.

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