Meet the Owner – CocoCrissi Tropical Icee’s

Meet the owner of CocoCrissi Tropical Icee's


Meet the Owner of CocoCrissi Tropical Icee’s Louis Torres! Since starting his business in 2009, Lou has built his business into the largest mobile Italian ice company in the country. We sat down with Lou to dive into the intricacies of CocoCrissi and how he has come to build a successful business.

Origins of the Business

Lou grew up in the Bronx, New York, and then moved to Raleigh to attend Shaw University majoring in business management. Following college, he pursued software sales, which gave him no career fulfillment.

Following his faith, Lou prayed, and asked God “I want to run my own business. What should I do?” And the response he received was “Icees.” Ever since then, Lou has been pursuing his business in making tropical ice. It all began with a small cart where he would sell his ice at a flea market. 

Louis told us that his cart instantly took off and he hasn’t looked back since. He never second-guessed himself, which has allowed him to constantly grow his business and his team.

His first years in his business consisted of constant rigor and hard work. He was extremely focused on his business, going from couch to couch or eating at the Shaw University Cafeteria, and all of his hard work began to pay off. All of his profits were put back into the business, and slowly but surely, Lou created a flourishing business that now consists of 20 push carts, 3 trailers, and 2 vans.

This has been a big year for CocoCrissi. On March 30, 2024, CocoCrissi opened its first brick-and-mortar store in Durham, North Carolina. Ever since there has been an amazing response from the community. Lou said his favorite thing about opening the store is that there is no demographic. There are people of all ages, races, and socioeconomic statuses. Everybody can enjoy a delicious treat.


Giving Back 

Apart from being a business owner, Lou puts a major emphasis on family and community. He told us that “family is everything”.

 The name CocoCrissi was inspired by nicknames that he had for two of his sons, who are now a part of the business. Lou is passionate about helping and inspiring the younger generation. In addition to his sons, many of the people who work for CocoCrissi are young men and women in nearby communities. His passion is to help kids learn skills. They aren’t just workers, he wants them to think and act like entrepreneurs. Some of the factors that he helps his employees to learn in networking, financial literacy, and goal setting. 

Outside of the cart, trailer, van, or store, Lou shares his experiences with other youth in the area. He often speaks at schools, provides financial literacy courses, gives motivational speeches, and entrepreneurship workshops, all to benefit the youth and local communities that have supported him. Inspiring kids of color that something strives to do through his business. CocoCrissi also attends local events including the African American Cultural Festival, Bimbe Cultural Arts Festival, Black August in the Park, and others.

On days that he isn’t working, Lou loves playing golf, working out, or simply spending time with his family. In the early stages of his business, he was on grind mode, which has taught him that family is everything, and quality time with family is something to be cherished. Opening CocoCrissi has taught Lou to be resilient, faithful, and appreciative of what he has. Now he is proud to be the biggest mobile ice company, and opening their brick and mortar store. 

His advice to other business owners is focus on your passion and purpose for your business and provide the best service. When you provide great service, then the money eventually comes. If you only focus on making money, then you will throw in the towel during the first few hurdles in your vision’s infant stage.

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In the words of Lou, “empowering is giving back.”

CoCoCrissi Italian Ice is all homemade with 25 different flavors. Corporate catering, festivals, school, and church events, are some of the places that they cater to. They also attend festivals on many weekends throughout the year. Check out their new store in Durham, NC. Lou says his favorite part about Durham is the diversity and culture, along with enjoying life with the people there. “Durham is home.”