Personal Assisting:
- a secretary or administrative assistant working exclusively for one particular person. Assisting others.
Entrepreneurship life is always on, always working always connecting, always, always, always. Entrepreneurs are often the bookkeeper, the marketing team, the sales staff, the cleaning crew, the admin and everything else in between. It can be difficult to step away from the brand you’re building and finding time to do things that daily life requires of us.
When life gets you down and you don’t know how you are going to get it all done, don’t fret, reach out to Metro’s Other Woman! They can run errands for you, they can personal assist in your office and they can even be your personal assistant at home! They can simply fluff and go, do your laundry, help you prep for your upcoming summer vacation, unpack from your summer vacation, you name it, they can do it!
Our personal favorite this summer has been to have them fluff and go, do the laundry, vacuum, clean the showers, clean the toilets, mop the floors, straighten and just make it look like home again.
Mention you found this offer on Shop Local Raleigh and you get $10 off your first personal assisting service! Why are you waiting? Get your sanity and life back and call Metro’s Other Woman today.