Business community-
Tomorrow, the Sign Task Force will present to the City Council the following recommendations related to signage:
Window Signage: Allow up to 50% of the windows per floor per building facade to be used for signage. This is an increase from the 30% maximum currently contained in the UDO. Remove the requirement to maintain a “free and clear” area on a window between four and seven feet.
Vehicle Signs: Create a definition for Vehicular Signage. Vehicle signs may not be located within 40 feet of the right-of-way, unless screened. Box trucks or tractor trailers with vehicular signage must be located at least 100 feet from the right-of-way. Vehicles used solely as signage are prohibited.
String Lighting: Prohibit string lighting within 100 feet of a residential district. Would not apply to seasonal ornamental lights between November and January.
Background Material
The Sign Task Force discussed three primary topics related to signage in the zoning code: window signage, vehicular signage and string lighting. Below is additional detail related to these three discussion points.
Window Signs:
A window sign is an on-premise sign attached flat but parallel to a window or is within 12 inches of the window. Displays of merchandise are not window signs. A sign permit is not required and window signage is exempt from consideration as signage when calculating the maximum signage allowed. Window signage is not regulated in the Part 10 zoning code as a result of a previous code interpretation that signage only occurs on the outside of the building. The new Unified Development Ordinance does include regulations for window signage.
The Sign Task Force recommends increasing the amount of window signage from the 30% limitation currently found in the Unified Development Ordinance to 50% (maximum combination of all windows covered by window signs) per façade per floor and not less than 32 square feet per façade per floor.
The Sign Task Force also recommends the deletion of the following limitation on window signage currently found within the Unified Development Ordinance: “Window signs may only cover 5% of window area between 4 and 7 feet above the adjacent sidewalk.”
A public hearing has already occurred for the Part 10 zoning code changes. A public hearing has not occurred for the UDO changes. If the City Council concurs with this recommendation, Staff suggests that these suggestions be forwarded to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation.
Vehicle Signs:
Vehicle signage is not currently regulated in either the Part 10 code or the UDO. The Sign Task Force recommends the inclusion of Vehicle Sign regulations in each code. A definition for vehicle signage would be added to each code, as would standards for vehicle signs.
Vehicle sign: Any sign attached to or painted on, or otherwise positioned, (whether exterior or interior), in or on, located upon a vehicle, trailer or a tractor trailer.
Vehicle Signs shall comply with all of the following standards:
Vehicle signs shall not be located within 40 feet (100 feet for a trailer or box truck) of the right-of-way of any street unless parking concealed from the right-of-way or further from the right-of-way does not exist.
Vehicle signs permitted as part of an approved temporary event or vehicles used in direct connection with the business, other than as signage, are not subject to these provisions during the course of their normal business usage.
Signs attached to, painted on or otherwise positioned (whether exterior or interior), in or on an inoperable or unlicensed vehicle (motorized or non-motorized) located in view of the right-of-way.
Signs attached to, painted on or otherwise positioned in or on a licensed vehicle that is located in view of the right-of-way when in a location or for a period of time that indicates that the use of the vehicle is for displaying the sign to passing motorists or pedestrians, except that such signs are allowed on a temporary basis in association with a temporary event permit.
A public hearing has been conducted for the Part 10 code changes. A public hearing has not occurred for the UDO changes. The Planning Commission reviewed the initial text change and recommended approval. The Sign Task Force suggests modification to the regulations. If the City Council concurs with this recommendation, staff suggests that the text change be forwarded to the Planning Commission for additional review and recommendation.
String Lights:
String lighting is not currently regulated in either the Part 10 zoning code or the UDO. The Sign Task Force recommends the inclusion of String Light regulations as follows:
Strings or strands of single-point lights, as well as luminous tube lighting, are prohibited within 100’ of a residential district, or area within a Planned Development District designated solely for residential uses, unless they are part of a conforming sign and comply with the regulations governing illumination of signs. This prohibition shall not apply to an ornamental outdoor display from November 15 through January 15 or as part of an allowed Temporary Event.
Raleigh City Council Meeting information:
September 16, 2014- 1pm
Raleigh City Council
222 W. Hargett St.
Council Chambers- 2nd floor
Please free free to attend and listen to discussion.
Jennifer Martin
Executive Director
GRMA- Shop Local Raleigh