Tools, Channels, and Platforms for Every Business
How well do you know your customers? What search words are they using to find your business or your competitor’s business? How well do you understand Google analytics? These questions and more were covered this morning at our Tech Tuesday workshop presented by Dane Saville, Brand & PR Manager from Reunion Marketing. The world of google analytics and keywords can be very daunting, however Dane simplified the process through some basic tools for understanding the world of SEO and using it to your advantage.
For starters, does your website match your customers search intent and expectations? Is it easy to navigate? Do they leave pages quickly or linger for some time? Do you have images with alt text in your pages, URLs, headers, which includes keywords that your customers use regularly to find their purchases?
If you answered no to these questions, you probably need to sit down and allocate some time to your website. Now that you have your website optimized, be sure your ad content reflects those same keywords. For the small business owner on a tight budget, you do not have to invest hundreds into buying Google ad words. Yes you can buy your spot at the top, but your keyword bid pricing depends on your quality score. And to ensure you quality score is high, the five components listed in the graphic are where you need to focus your attention. If these components are all executed well, your rank on Google will rise without paying.
Create Content To Fit Demands
One of my favorite take away points from today’s workshop was a story Dane shared about a blog they wrote. Reunion has historically been heavily focused on the automotive industry. Upon doing some internet searching, the Reunion team noted that Porsche buyers were performing searches on the different types of Porsche models when looking to purchase a Porsche. Subsequently, they took this information and wrote a blog on the different types of Porsche models. Now when a customer enters a search for “breakdown of Porsche models,” the Reunion Marketing blog comes up first, ahead of even!
Essentially, the point of this story is to create content that fits demand needs. There was room in Google for Reunion Marketing to rank #1 on a search without paying for keywords. (And they aren’t even a car dealership!) Find what customers are using in their search bar and hone in on that in your web pages and ad content. This may require some time and research, but its free and it works. Not a clue where to begin? Dane is happy to offer guidance to our Shop Local Raleigh members.
Need More Info?
To view our full Tech Tuesday presentation, click HERE. Have questions about SEO/SEM and your ad campaigns? Reach out to Dane Saville at Reunion Marketing.
Be sure to save the date for May’s Tech Tuesday on May 21 at the Cameron Village Library, Room 202A.