What is happening to me? The weekend days when I was waking up covered in bruises wondering why there was a French fry in my hair, are over. Not that I am completely complaining about the bruises part, but I will never deny French fries. I feel like I was once some sort of invincible night owl who could destroy myself the night before, and still wake up and ace a final (Sorry, mom.) Now, I might as well be scheduling shuffleboard games for 8am since I DON’T DO ANYTHING ELSE.
 Granted, this adult life is nice and productive..blah..blah. In college, I wouldn’t even leave my bed until 4pm on a Sunday. But it is depressing that my ability to stay awake past 11 is dwindling. And if I am still awake I get loopy and/or cranky. That’s right, sometimes loopy AND cranky. I’m assuming this is some sort of transitional period when you figure out how to live off of 6 hours of sleep with no naps, and still be able to go out and be a normal person, and I am just failing at it. With that said, I think the key is to get out of my college drink, eat, sleep weekend and go to real events and what? BE A REAL PERSON!
First step? Going to the (once again shamelessly plugged) Boutique Blowout by Shop Local Raleigh! Shopping, food trucks, free stuff, om nomming, being so grown up! Buy tickie ticks (Tickets like Tom from Parks and Rec would say…probably my 5th Parks and Rec reference…sorry, not sorry) here.
I will keep updating my adjustments as I make this transition. It ain’t gonna be pretty, but oh my gosh I just want to be like Carrie, or Serena, or some other hot tamale that is super cool and successful at the same time.