Offering chiropractic and rehabilitation services, dry needling, acupuncture, infrared sauna, ice bath sessions, prenatal and postpartum online courses, and general women’s fitness classes based on each woman’s unique cycle: Triangle Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Center has a variety of offerings for those looking for a hands-on approach to healthcare.
Drs. Lindsay Mumma and Mackenzie Smith and licensed acupuncturist Dr. Peggy Robinson and their incredible staff are here to serve the Raleigh area.
Looking for the best chiropractor in Raleigh? Triangle Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Center is a one-of-a kind center of chiropractic in North Raleigh. Only here will you find the best and most researched manual therapies mixed with patient-centered treatment plans in longer appointment times.
Our providers will help you make changes in your body – and in your life – to decrease your pain and improve your overall function.