You’ve Come To The Right Place – The Law Offices of Anna Smith Felts
In 2005, Anna opened her own firm, Law Offices of Anna Smith Felts, PLLC, specializing in criminal defense and representing those with various criminal charges, ranging from traffic charges to murder. Her practice includes representing those charged with driving while impaired, simple misdemeanors, drugs, embezzlement, crimes of fraud, robberies, assaults, all felonies, child support “show causes”, misdemeanor and felony probation violations, and serves as one of two lawyers in Wake County, contracted by the state to serve as the attorney for all indigent persons charged with domestic violence probation violations. In addition, she is very experienced in DMV hearings and expungements.
Practices daily in District and Superior Courts of Wake County and has received extensive training in Death Penalty Litigation.

“Top 100 Trial Lawyers”
“Top 10 Best Attorneys in Client Satisfaction”
Your First Consultation is Free! (919) 834-3790