Our philosophy at POLISHED NAIL BAR![Polished Nail Bar 1 Polished Nail Bar.jpeg]()
At Polished Nail Bar, we are committed to delivering services that promote health, well-being, comfort and beauty.
Among our priorities are grade-A sanitation standards,client-focused services and superior products. To excel in a new era of nail and beauty care, we encourage continuing education, are selective in staffing, and are committed to continuously upgrading our services and facilities.
To achieve the best results, we use products from the most trusted names in the beauty industry. Our selection includes OPI, essie and Creative Nail Design. In addition to generating fabulous results, all products contain FDA-approved ingredients. To maintain public health and safety, our products are:
- Formaldahyde-Free
- Touluence-Free
- Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Free
At Polished Nail Bar, we take cleanliness very seriously. We autoclave all of our instruments.