Drum for Change featured on WNCN

Each month WNCN Weather chooses a charity.  Every time weather man Wes Hohenstein gets the forecast right within 3 degrees, they give that charity $100.  Last month’s charity was the United Arts Council of Raleigh & Wake County.

SLR member Greg Whitt of Drum for Change is a facilitator and educator.  His work as a teaching artist in local schools is often funded with support from United Arts.  His classroom programs at Stough Elementary on Creedmoor Rd were featured on WNCN’s coverage last month.  Ragen Carlile, UAC Vice President of Education & Community Programs, complimented Greg both on his work with students and with his representation of United Arts programs on air.

See the clip online at http://www.wncn.com/Clip/11286755/united-arts-council


Greg believes life is richer when we communicate, cooperate, and collaborate with one another and with the world around us.  Because he believe this, he facilitates programs to help people live, work, and play well together.  He works with corporations, congregations, communities and classrooms who want to create more-meaningful connections.

Learn more at www.triangleteambuilding.com and www.drumforchange.com