To commemorate their 10-year anniversary, Stone’s Education & Toys is giving away ten $50 Stone’s gift cards at their upcoming Vendor Day on June 25th. Here’s how you can win:
Come into Stone’s between now and Vendor Day and ask for a puzzle piece. They recently completed the puzzle you see below, and left ten pieces out. They’ve placed those ten pieces into a bucket along with lots of other puzzle pieces. If your piece is one of the missing ones and fits into the puzzle, you win!
The rules are really simple. To win, you must come in and test your piece on Vendor Day, Thursday, June 25th. They’d like everyone to come in between 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. so that you can see all of the best new products from their favorite manufacturers and publishers, and also take part in all of the festivities (and give-aways!) But if you can’t come in until later because of work or anything else, you can check your piece until they close at 8 p.m. And pieces are available to pick up from now until they run out.
Stayed tuned for more info about Vendor Day as well as some other fun things they have planned for June. For a quick preview of something they’re really excited about, please check out the video below:
And one last thing… they’re thinking about adding some hours during their busy back-to-school season, and they’d appreciate your feedback. One possibility is opening at 9 a.m. rather than at 10 a.m., and/or maybe staying open Friday and Saturday a little later. Please let them know what you think!